2017-04-17 21.41.11-2.jpg
3 scarf hang_WR.jpg
State zoom_WR.jpg
Blue scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Blue scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Green scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Green scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Purple scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Purple scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Yellow scarf wrap_WR.jpg
 Reactive dye screen print comparing gun retailer and abortion clinic numbers per state. 12” x 72”. 2016.

Reactive dye screen print comparing gun retailer and abortion clinic numbers per state. 12” x 72”. 2016.

2017-04-17 21.41.11-2.jpg
3 scarf hang_WR.jpg
State zoom_WR.jpg
Blue scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Blue scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Green scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Green scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Purple scarf wrap_WR.jpg
Purple scarf wrap zoom_WR.jpg
Yellow scarf wrap_WR.jpg
 Reactive dye screen print comparing gun retailer and abortion clinic numbers per state. 12” x 72”. 2016.

Reactive dye screen print comparing gun retailer and abortion clinic numbers per state. 12” x 72”. 2016.

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